Monday, 22 February 2010


I'll start by saying: we need to get this bulletin out there more!

Only 90 unique users came for the 'Live at 5' on Wednesday, very disappointing having reached around 600 last year.

The headlines were better this week, but the shots still could have been better; this sequence is meant to excite the viewer! There was also a rhetorical question in one of the headlines - this is bad as it implies we don't know the answers. We're journalists who are meant to find them out.

I thought Chris was slightly harsh with his comments about Stu's story on the local road closures. Stu tackled a fairly mild story with a fresh approach, talking to people at the heart of the issue. He managed to get somebody saying they were "frustrated" and had "lost half of all trade" - great effort! Subject and verb agreement wasn't always there in the scripting of the package though.

Catherine's managed to get a 'WINOL Exclusive'! It was not only exclusive, but a story about a well-known UoW graduate. She got it on record, a 'no denial denial' from Orange and used somebody watching a video with him in it to avoid copyright issues - fantastic stuff! It should have been top story.

Jon's diction in his student voting story was excellent, but he sadly fell into the trap of including comment. The comment can only come from interviewees (quotes).

Hobbs' sex stalker story was decent, it had so many legal landmines but he avoided them all.

The material for the sport was pretty good considering the main game was called off! Not sure about mentioning the Saints/Pompey score four days after it happened though.

Claire's 'And Finally' story was very well told, the camera's 'grammar' was excellent as it got closer and closer to the subjects/issue as the package progressed. Need better quotes though.

Good luck to Lucy and Stu for 'Live at 5' on Wednesday.

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